• Agronomists and other staff traveling from field to field are encouraged to use the following best management practices (BMPs) to avoid spreading clubroot-infested soil. 1. Park on the road or in a grassed approach. 2. Wear plastic or Tyvek disposable booties over existing footwear. 3. Rubber boots worn without booties must be cleaned before leaving the field…
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  • The highest risk operation to introduce and spread clubroot is the one that moves the greatest amount of soil throughout the farm and across the countryside. Field equipment carries a lot of soil, which is why equipment sanitation is an important way to contain the disease. Others common ways to move soil include utilities companies working from field to field,…
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  • The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) will bring together a global network of leading researchers and academics to exchange information and research results at the 2013 International Clubroot Workshop in Edmonton, June 19-22. The workshop will have practical value for anyone, including growers and agronomists across the Prairies…
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  • These photos from canola plots grown in clubroot-infested soils in Quebec show how rotation, especially for MS and S varieties, improves yield. Rotation also plays an important role for growers relying on R varieties in clubroot infested fields. Short rotations using resistant varieties will select quickly for clubroot pathotypes that are not controlled by the genetic resistance. This can rapidly…
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  • Two Manitoba fields surveyed in the canola disease survey in 2012 have been confirmed to have clubroot. This is no reason to panic. Clubroot is a manageable disease. Clubroot is expected to spread across the Prairies eventually, and clubroot was first detected in Manitoba vegetable crops in 1925. It is not a surprise to find it in canola fields. The…
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  • Give the brand new online Canola Diagnostic Tool a pre-season test drive at www.canoladiagnostictool.ca. Start with a problem scenario that you encountered in a canola field in 2012, and work through the tool to see what potential causes it provides. Read the cause descriptions and “ways to confirm” to determine which cause is most likely…
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  • Here is a list of labs that service canola growers in Canada. Labs are organized under the following headings: Soil nutrient analysis, Plant tissue nutrient analysis, Seed quality tests, Disease diagnostic on plant tissue, Soil analysis for clubroot, Herbicide resistant test for weeds, Herbicide carryover in soil, and Pesticide residue in plant tissue…
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