Is disease to blame for lower yields? | Reduce shelling and other harvest challenges | Weed control | Hot temps impacting the harvest bin?…
How much will blackleg infection cost? | How long between spray and swath? | Prepping for next year's success now | Swath timing matters…
Is blackleg more concerning this year? | Still too early to swath? | This week's late-season pests? | Why are so many canola plants brown and dead?…
Verticillium stripe, sclerotinia or blackleg? | Is that bug a problem? | What's too early for swathing? | Manage kochia now or at harvest?…
Why patience matters before swathing? | Four key pre-harvest decisions? | How to check canola quickly? | Why start pre-harvest disease scouting now?…
Pest updates | Satellite imagery for early insight on yield | Prep for disease scouting…
Spraying for sclerotinia? | How to support canola in heat? | Causes of missing pods? | Pests this week?…
How does hot weather affect fungicide performance? And sclerotinia stem rot infection? And canola flowering?…
Can it be too wet for sclerotinia stem rot infection? | What is the right canola crop stage to spray lygus bugs? | Will boron tank-mixed with fungicide help protect canola from heat blast? | How late is too late for nitrogen top dress?…