These Fundamentals articles represent our core canola best management practices for yield, profitability and sustainability. These articles are more detailed than our e-newsletter articles and explain the science and experience behind the recommended practices. Content is linked to additional resources in our Canola Encyclopedia and Canola Research Hub.
Herbicide carryover and sprayer contamination
Canola plants are sensitive to off-target herbicide damage through herbicide carryover and sprayer contamination. This article has five sections to identify and avoid this damage…
How to manage herbicide-resistant kochia
Manage herbicide-resistant kochia with effective tank mixes, patch mowing, combine weed-seed destroyers and fall Edge…
Integrated weed management: Best practices
Integrated weed management practices can protect herbicide efficacy. This article describes three categories of IWM practices…
Weed control strategies for each HT system
Here are strategies to improve weed control results for each herbicide-tolerant (HT) canola system, including Roundup Ready, Liberty LInk and Clearfield…
Spring frost: When to resume weed control?
If tissue damage is greater than 40 per cent of total leaf area, allow new leaves to grow before making herbicide applications…
Spray early: Economics of early weed control
Early in-crop weed control will yield more than late control almost all the time. To err on the early side is the safest economic approach…
Spraying tips for tough conditions
Tips for spraying after a frost, in the wind, in cool conditions, in dusty conditions, and before a rain…
Pre-seed burnoff: Tips for best results
Pre-seed burnoff is a good way to remove perennial and winter annuals weeds that are growing quickly and taking up moisture and nutrients…