
These Fundamentals articles represent our core canola best management practices for yield, profitability and sustainability. These articles are more detailed than our e-newsletter articles and explain the science and experience behind the recommended practices. Content is linked to additional resources in our Canola Encyclopedia and Canola Research Hub.

Many reasons for missing pods

Disruptions and malfunctions in bud formation and pollination can result in blanks on canola stems where pods should be. Here are the common causes…

Broadcast seeding canola: Tips

Broadcast seeding can work in a pinch when the calendar ticks toward June and fields are still too moist for a farm’s regular seeding tool…

Quick tips for on-farm trials

Farms can run research trials to test how a particular practice or product performs in the local environment. Here are the steps…

Rotation for risk management

Breaks of at least two years between canola crops will reduce risk from clubroot and blackleg diseases, reduce selection for weed resistance, and increase crop…

Seeding canola in dry conditions

When seeding into dry soil conditions from March until mid-May, the recommendation to seed canola no deeper than 1” still applies. Here’s why…

How to get acres counted as 4R

With acres counted under 4R Nutrient Stewardship, canola growers can demonstrate their commitment to improved nutrient use. Part one of the article shows how to…

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