—All areas of the Prairies are at risk. Geography does not provide immunity to this disease. —Prevalence of sclerotinia stem rot has a direct correlation to above-average moisture. If a field has regular rains or high humidity or both from two weeks before flowering and through flowering, then infection will occur. If these conditions continue after flower, severity of the…
Growers who do not have the time for timely scouting may want to hire an agronomist to support their own scouting program. Most agronomists are also pressed for time, and may not be able to spend one to 2 hours a week scouting each canola field, but agronomists can supplement the time growers spend scouting, and provide experience and skills…
Sclerotinia and blackleg remain the top two most important canola diseases, but aster yellows are a hot topic after a bad year in 2012. The Canola Council of Canada agronomy team came up with the following 10 questions about aster yellows. Chrystel Olivier, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Saskatoon, answered them the best she could given what…
High levels of blackleg have been found in some canola fields this year. Quite likely blackleg was present the last time canola was grown on these fields but went undetected based on a lack of obvious yield losses. Just before or while swathing are the best times to check plants for blackleg and other diseases. Uninfected parts of the plant…
When doing their own disease surveys, growers may find it easier to check crops while swathing. Stop at five random spots in the field while swathing and check 20 standing plants at each spot. This will give you a good idea how much of the field actually had sclerotinia or blackleg or clubroot, for example…