Home / Canola Watch / April 22, 2020 – Issue 6
The percentage of canola seeds that emerge to form plants is typically in the range of 50 to 60 per cent. The goal is to move the Western Canadian average closer to 75 per cent, and give more seeds a chance to contribute to the crop’s profitability…
This video provides a quick overview of the drill-prep steps outlined in our full article…
Ian Epp and Clark Brenzil compare pre-seed burnoff and early post-emergence applications, and make a good case for spraying first and then seeding…
Clean lines, nozzles and screens to prepare the sprayer for a busy few weeks of early weed control…
Part 1: What to do about high-moisture canola as spring temperatures warm up? Part 2: What is the best on-farm system to dry grain?…
A disinfect like bleach or SprayNine is an essential part of the scouting kit. These will disinfect tools and boots between fields…
The Canola Watch team of CCC agronomy specialists has a few priorities for 2020. As a way to check in on how their priorities match up with current practices, we have a short survey for canola growers and for agronomy advisers (like retails, agronomists and CCAs). The survey will take about two minutes. Please take the time to help us…
Upcoming events with input from CCC staff or canola grower organizations…