Home / Canola Watch / February 8, 2019 – Issue 2
Residual herbicides need a moist environment for herbicide breakdown to occur within the expected time-frame. In dry conditions, the two major breakdown methods – hydrolysis or microbial degradation – will slow down, which elevates the carryover risk…
Canola variety results from the 2018 Canola Performance Trials (CPTs) have been added into the searchable database on the CPT website, so all your queries can now include 2018 data in addition to the 2011-2017 datasets. Find out average yield, lodging, height values or days to maturity for specific varieties or for all varieties grown in any number of years…
As temperatures shift from frigid to mild, warming of grain at the outside edges of bins will trigger new movement of moisture throughout the grain. This could increase the spoilage risk for grain stored tough…
Dormancy happens when a canola seed experiences unfavourable germination conditions and ‘decides’ not to invest in germination until a later date. This is the main contributing factor in the persistence of volunteer canola, which may not germinate for years after the seeds first fall to the ground…
Step 1. Sample Collection The ideal time to pull and assess plants for blackleg infection is at 60% seed colour change, which is around swath timing. Plants should still be……
Healthy-looking plants can still have galls that release millions, possibly billions of spores…
SaskCanola’s Top Notch Farming meetings continue next week at three locations – Melfort, Humboldt and Davidson. SaskCanola will accept walk-up registrations onsite at each meeting. Meetings are FREE to attend…
Think how on the ball we could be with insect management if everyone shared their scouting results? We could see hot spots flare up early in very localized areas, providing a highly valuable alert to farmers within and beside those areas. Provincial entomologists tracking insect outbreaks would welcome your input…
The Saskatchewan study will look for practical solutions to better manage wetlands in agricultural fields to (1) harness the agriculture benefits of the wetland while (2) minimizing producer losses…