The three most common pod munchers are bertha armyworm, diamondback moth larvae and lygus bugs. Hot spots can sometimes be isolated to specific fields, so check each field. Before spraying, make sure insects counts are at or above economic thresholds. Applications made when insect numbers are below thresholds will not provide a positive return on investment and can do unnecessary…
July 26, 2018 – Issue 17
**UPDATE** Due to the rush on single day registrations, the registration deadline (full or single day) has been extended to Tuesday, July 31. Registration closes Friday for the International Clubroot Workshop in Edmonton August 7-9. Days 1 and 2 have incredible international experts presenting on clubroot research and findings in their regions. Day 2 includes a tour of a one-of-a-kind…
Every crop protection product has its own pre-harvest interval (PHI) — which is the time required between spraying and cutting the crop. PHI is also often different for the same product used on different crops. The quick and simple calculator at helps you find a canola fungicide, insecticide or pre-harvest herbicide that fits your timeframe…
The nominal threshold for canola is seven to 12 per square metre. This article provides tips on how to scout…