• DNA for the organism that causes clubroot was detected in soils from two Manitoba fields, and a brassica plant grown in these soils in the lab exhibited clubroot symptoms. Growers and agronomists in all regions are encouraged to scout for the disease more closely in 2013, but don’t panic. We have many more clubroot management tools, including resistant varieties, sanitation…
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  • Two Manitoba fields surveyed in the canola disease survey in 2012 have been confirmed to have clubroot. This is no reason to panic. Clubroot is a manageable disease. Clubroot is expected to spread across the Prairies eventually, and clubroot was first detected in Manitoba vegetable crops in 1925. It is not a surprise to find it in canola fields. The…
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  • Give the brand new online Canola Diagnostic Tool a pre-season test drive at www.canoladiagnostictool.ca. Start with a problem scenario that you encountered in a canola field in 2012, and work through the tool to see what potential causes it provides. Read the cause descriptions and “ways to confirm” to determine which cause is most likely…
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  • Read more for a great video showing tiny wasp larvae devouring an alfalfa looper from the inside out, for a pop bottle demo (shown above) of how much NPKS is required for a bushel of canola, and for a herbicide carryover alert after the dry fall…
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  • Cereals offer a wide range of pre-seed herbicide options to get rid of canola volunteers, which may be plentiful this spring after the wind losses last fall. Volunteer canola competes with the crop for nutrients and water and sunlight, and also act a bridge for blackleg, clubroot, seedling diseases and insects, reducing the effectiveness of crop rotation…
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