Home / Canola Watch / Jan. 4, 2012 - Issue 1
New CCC booth at January farm shows. The Canola Council of Canada and SaskCanola will be in a joint booth at the Crop Production Show in Saskatoon January 9-12. The……
The Western Canadian Crop Production Show is at Prairieland Park January 9-12. SaskCanola and the Canola Council of Canada will have a joint booth at Prairieland Park all week. SaskCanola's Producer Conference and AGM is Thursday, January 12 from 8:30 to 4:00 in Ballroom B of the Saskatoon Inn. Speakers include:…
Manitoba Canola Growers Association will host Canola Day on Tuesday, January 17 at AgDays. Presentations are that morning in Theatre 1. Speakers include:…
Farm Tech's agenda is packed with concurrent sessions on a wide variety of agronomy topics. Keynote speakers are General Rick Hillier on Leadership in Tough Times; Glen Hodgson, chief economist with the Conference Board of Canada; James Peck, U.K. farmer and Nuffield Scholar; and John Shmorhum, who will speak on farming in Ukraine. Register by January 6 for early bird…
The most common way to transfer soil from field to field is on farm machinery and vehicle tires. The CCC has a new guide with tips to clean equipment and prevent clubroot's spread. The following article is a short summary of the guide…