Blackleg close up. A new CCC video takes you down to the microscopic level to see how blackleg infects canola and how resistance works. Straight goods. When straight combining canola for the first time, start with one or two fields chosen for high uniformity, good stand, no weeds and lower frost risk. Peer pressure. Do your own insect risk assessments…
August 7, 2014 - Issue 18
Pre-harvest scouting is upon us. How are your pre-harvest disease ID skills? Here is a quick test…
A vivid new video from the Canola Council of Canada zooms in on blackleg, showing how the canola disease infects a plant, how it spreads throughout a field, and what growers can do to protect blackleg resistance traits. The video, called “Blackleg Disease and Resistance Management,” is posted at…
Lygus hotspots: Lygus numbers are high in some regions, with reports of 70+ per 10 sweeps in some fields in central and northern Alberta. Some fields will warrant a spray, but seeing the plane next door does not mean all canola in the area should get sprayed. Assess each field. Bertha armyworm hotspots: Berthas are a very low numbers in…
Read more for summer tours and other canola-related events across the Prairies…