Changing weather's impact on combining | 2025 seed choices | Support next year's soil fertility | Set up now for 2025 success…
Harvest loss
Safer storage | Fall weed control | Hybrid selection | Verticillium stripe ID | Harvest losses…
Combine settings today different from September 1 | Weeds: Take advantage of warm fall days | This week in scouting | Hot canola is a storage risk…
Eyes out for verticillium stripe (and other diseases too) | Set combine settings for max returns | Post-harvest weed control | Minimize storage risk…
Reduce losses at harvest | There's still time to disease scout | Post-harvest weed control | Look back to improve next year…
This article explains how to measure losses, and then how to set the combine to reduce losses…
Measure combine losses and then make adjustments to limit those losses. This puts more canola in the bin and reduces the volunteer canola seedbank in your fields…
PAMI has released results from its 2019 canola combine loss survey. Average loss was 1.3 bu./.ac., or 2.8% of total yield for the participating farmers…