Welcome to the Canola Watch 2019 exam. With a pass (70% or better), you will earn 6 Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) CEUs under the following categories:
Nutrient Management: 0.5
Soil & Water Management: 0.5
Integrated Pest Management: 2.5
Crop Management: 2.5
A pass will also qualify for 6 Certified Crop Science Consultant (CCSC) credits under the following categories:
Integrated Pest Management: 3
Crop Management: 3
For 2019 credits: Pass in December 2019.
For 2020 credits: Write and pass the exam in January 2020.
(Important: The exam period closes January 31 at midnight CDT. Those who write and pass after that time will not be eligible for credits.)
Repeat attempts are allowed. Canola Watch will submit names for all who pass to the respective CCA or CCSC organizations.
When writing this self-study exam, note that all answers can be found in Canola Watch content from 2019. To work through Canola Watch articles for 2019, go to the “issue archive” under the Tools & Resources tab at www.canolawatch.org. Click the “+” symbol beside 2019 to find each month, then click the “+” by the month to find each issue. Or, for a quicker option, start with this URL for issue 1 of 2019: https://www.canolawatch.org/category/2019issue-1/. To go to the next issue, change the “1” to a “2” in the URL, then click refresh. And so on.
Click “Submit” when finished. NOTE: The "Save" function, if present at the bottom, may not be reliable. To assure best results, set aside enough time to complete the exam without shutting down the computer. You may also want to jot down your answers as you go in case they need to be re-entered.
For questions or additional information on this exam, please contact Jay Whetter at 807-468-4006 or whetterj@canolacouncil.org.