June 9, 2015 – Manitoba UCC Plot

The Manitoba 2015 Ultimate Canola Challenge plot is located South of Portage, along highway 240 towards South Port. The exact location is Lot 107 in the Parrish of Portage. In this area the soil is an Elm River Silt Loam.

2015_mb_ucc_plot     2015_mb_ucc_map


2015_mb_ucc_vol-parsnipLast year, the field was used for vegetable cropping, this explains the presence of the volunteer parsnips scattered across the site.

The UCC trial is managed by ICMS based in Portage. The trial was seeded on May 11, 2015, with a small plot seeder. The variety planted was DeKalb 74-44 BR with Acceleron Seed Treatment.


Luckily, the canola was not fully emerged May Long weekend, so it survived the storm involving snow, sleet, wind and frost. On May 30th most of Manitoba experienced a severe frost; fortunately the temperature in Portage did not drop below -0.4C.

Currently, the majority of canola is in the 1-2 leaf stage. Emergence was good across the plot and the plants appear to be healthy and vigorous. So far, there has been little insect damage, and the site is relatively weed free (besides the parsnips!). Soil conditions are dry on top, but there is plenty of moisture below. In the past week the site has received around 5-6mm of rain.
