Keeping it clean means considering market access at all points – from seed selection to delivery. Growing registered canola varieties is an important part of assuring our export customers that the biotech traits and disease resistance in our canola supply meet their requirements. To mitigate risk and protect the marketability of your canola crop, do not seed any de-registered canola varieties.
The no-grow list includes these varieties:
• Liberty Link (B. napus): Exceed, 2631 LL, Swallow, SW Legion LL, SW Flare LL, LBD 2393 LL, Innovator, Independence, HCN 14, Phoenix, 3850, 2153, 3640, 3880, 2163, 2273
• Roundup Ready Polish (B. rapa): Hysyn 101 RR
• Bromoxynil tolerant: 295BX, Armor BX, Cartier BX, Zodaic BX, Renegade BX
• Clearfield tolerant: 46A76
See the full list of de-registered varieties.
If you have planted a de-registered variety, or if you are unsure your harvested canola is from a de-registered variety, do not deliver it to an elevator or grain handler. Crushing plants may have options for de-registered varieties – contact your local facility for more information.
Let’s all do our part to support the integrity of our canola crop. Working together, we can maintain Canada’s reputation as a quality supplier and keep markets open for all. Visit De-registered Canola Varieties – Keep it Clean to learn more.