BMP Requirements

BMP requirements

Click on the links to see BMP criteria that must be met for Canola 4R Advantage eligibility. Please see the Program Guidelines for other required criteria.

Soil testing

Canola 4R Advantage can reimburse up to 85 per cent of the cost of a basic soil testing package for macronutrients, plus up to 85 per cent of any third-party soil sampling costs (if applicable). To be eligible for incentives from this program:

  • Total sample depth must be a minimum of 12 inches
  • Soil analysis for nitrogen content must be conducted using analytical protocols recognized by the Soil Science Society of America
  • Soil testing must be done by one of these approved laboratories:
    • Agvise Laboratories
    • A&L Canada
    • AGAT Laboratories
    • Discovery Nutrient Analysis (Discovery Seed Labs)
    • Down to Earth
    • Farmers Edge
    • Western Ag
    • Elements
    • Midwest Laboratories
  • Soil sampling methods and criteria must be prepared and signed off by a 4R designated agronomist.

Please note that the program covers the cost of basic macronutrient lab analysis. If the grower opts for an enhanced analysis service, the additional cost must be indicated on the receipt or invoice so that eligible costs can be determined for this program.

Field zone mapping for variable rate nitrogen

Canola 4R Advantage can provide incentives to use consulting services that help identify optimal nitrogen rates for different field zones, considering management practices, soil properties, yield potential, terrain, cropping history and more.

To be eligible:

  • Field zone mapping must include at least two zones for nitrogen application.
  • A 4R designated agronomist must prepare and sign off on the soil zone mapping criteria and methodology.
  • The 4R designated agronomist must also verify that the appropriate nitrogen rates were applied to each zone.

Enhanced efficiency fertilizer (EEF)

Controlled-release nitrogen (ESN) and dual inhibitor products (i.e., containing both nitrification and urease inhibitors) purchased on or after April 1, 2023 are eligible.

There are a variety of EEF products available to Western Canadian growers. Below is a list of dual inhibitor products and related product information. While all are eligible under Canola 4R Advantage, the CCC encourages growers to discuss EEF options with their agronomist to select a product that best suits their farming operation. Products are to be used in accordance with the product label. If you are planning on using a product not shown on the list below, contact us to confirm its eligibility.

Please note that nitrification and urease inhibitors must be used together to be an eligible practice under AAFC’s OFCAF program guidelines. If there’s a case where you intend to use individual nitrification and urease inhibitor products to be blended together, please contact us to ensure the products you are using will be eligible.

Dual inhibitors

Dual Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors Nitrogen Source Active Ingredient Concentration Product Category
Active Stabilizer Plus Urea/UAN NBPT 12% Additive 
ArmU Advanced Urea/UAN NBPT 30% Additive 
DMPP 15%
Excelis Maxx Urea/UAN NBPT 12% Additive 
DCD 2%
Lynx Urea/UAN NBPT 19% Additive 
DCD 19%
N-Forced Dry Duo Urea/UAN NBPT 6% Additive
DCD 75%
NEON Air Urea/UAN NBPT 30% Additive 
DCD 15%
NEON Soil Urea/UAN NBPT 5% Additive 
DCD 30%
NEON Surface Urea/UAN NBPT 17% Additive 
DCD 25%
Nitrolizer Duo Urea/UAN NBPT 15% Additive 
DCD 15%
Nlock Advanced Urea/UAN NBPT 12% Additive 
Secure  UAN NBPT 5.8% Additive
DCD 23.7%
Super U  Nitrogen fertilizer NBPT 600 ppm Fertilizer
DCD 8500 ppm
SylLockPlus Urea/UAN NBPT 10-25% Additive 
DCD 10-25%
Tribune UAN NBPT 5% Additive 
Pronitidine 13.29%
Trident V Urea/UAN NBPT 15% Additive 
DCD 5%
Triple Kick Nitrogen fertilizer NBPT 600 ppm Fertilizer
DCD 600 ppm
Vault 15/15 Urea/UAN NBPT 14.55% Additive
DCD 14.85%

Controlled-release nitrogen

  • Polymer-coated urea (ESN)

Preferred application

NOTE: The preferred application BMP is paused until 2024 when seasonal price differentials for nitrogen fertilizer can be determined.

The CCC program can reimburse up to 85 per cent of the higher cost (up to 3 cents per pound) of nitrogen fertilizer switched from fall nitrogen application to either of these two preferred options:

  • Spring banding of fertilizer directly into soil, where nutrients can be readily captured and converted into a non-gaseous form that will be less likely to escape as greenhouse gases
  • Split application, with a portion of fertilizer applied at planting through banding, and the remainder applied in-crop

Higher spring fertilizer prices, compared to fall fertilizer prices, must be demonstrated by invoices or quotes for fall versus spring fertilizer purchases, as proof of the eligible incremental cost of adopting this BMP. 

To be eligible, the grower’s fertilizer plan and fertilizer application(s) must be approved and verified by a 4R designated agronomist.

Funding for Canola 4R Advantage has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF).

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Canola Council of Canada

The Canola 4R Advantage information presented on this website is the latest available, and is subject to change without notice as the program evolves.