After a moist spring and summer in many areas, disease levels in harvest canola could be high this year — even for fields that received a fungicide.
Sclerotinia stem rot incidence and severity is high in general, even in fields that were sprayed with fungicide. Growers and agronomists will want to check all fields, comparing those not sprayed to those sprayed once and twice. Check for blackleg, clubroot and other diseases at the same time. Use this information to review the management program. Use these scouting tips.

Keep in mind:
1. Field to field comparisons are not always fair. Many variables can be at work from one field to the next, including variety selection, canopy density and fungicide timing — to name just three.
2. If check strips were used, remember to record yields.
3. While disease scouting, do stubble counts. Recording plants per square foot at harvest and cross referencing that with yield and other production factors can help set seeding rates.