QUIZ – black pods, grey stems and kochia

A quiz based on observations in canola this week. Some fields have a lot of disease. In most cases, it is too late for a fungicide spray but accurate scouting may help with planning for 2024. While scouting, look at kochia patches and plan to contain all those seeds.

1. What caused these pods to darken? 

Sooty mould on canola pods
2. Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialists received this photo from a Saskatchewan farmer. What caused this stem discolouration?

diseases canola stems
3. The pre-harvest interval (PHI) for insecticide Decis is 40 days for wheat. What is the PHI for Decis in canola?
4. Farmers will often mow kochia to manage the seedbank. Others may combine kochia and crush the seeds with a combine weed seed destroyer. That helps but will not eliminate the problem. At a cut height of 15-18 cm (6-7”), what percentage of kochia seeds remain in the living uncut portion of the plant?