– Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation
– AFSC – Alberta
– MASC – Manitoba
BASF InVigor Reseed Program: To register a claim for all programs, a grower will be required to:
– Call the AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273).
– Have a Liberty® and Trait Agreement Number (LTA) and a valid BASF Privacy Consent (PIPEDA)
– Have planted InVigor hybrid canola
– Submit their own claim (retails cannot submit on a producer’s behalf)
Reseed and InVigor Commitment claims must be registered within 7 days of reseeding or spraying – or June 20, 2023 – whichever is sooner. InVigor Ag Product Assurance claims must be registered by July 7, 2023. For more information, click here.
Brett Young: Connect with your local BrettYoung Retailer or one of BrettYoung’s Regional Account Managers who are knowledgeable about the agronomic requirements of your area and can provide recommendations tailored to you..
Canterra Seeds Reseed Program: If it is necessary to reseed a field originally planted with a Canterra Seeds hybrid due to environmental reasons, a farmer will be eligible to receive a rebate of up to $400/bag on the canola purchase. All claims must be submitted to Canterra Seeds by June 30, 2023. For more information, contact a Canterra Seeds Territory Manager here.
Corteva Agriscience Replant Program: Farmers who purchased Pioneer brand canola and/or Brevant seeds canola where acceptable plant stand is not established and replanting the crop is an agronomically recommended solution may submit a request for replant assistance. All replant claims must be made to the farmer’s local Pioneer sales representative or the local Corteva Territory Manager within 21 days of the damaging event and prior to replanting. Field inspection is required to assess plant stand and discuss the best agronomic option. If you do not know your Corteva seed sales representative, contact the Corteva Solutions Center at 1.800.667.3852. The deadline for all canola replant claims is June 20, 2023. Requests received after this date will not be eligible for credit.
– 2023 Lumiderm™ Performance Advantage for Pioneer® brand canola seed treated with Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment. Claims should be made prior to spraying. In cases where spraying must occur before the claim is reported, the claim must be reported to the Corteva Call Centre within 7 days of insecticide application and by June 30, 2023. Claims will be subject to field verification. More details at 2023 Lumiderm Performance Advantage.
DEKALB Reseed Program: DEKALB brand canola seeded after April 20 2023 that fails to establish (due to frost, gophers, drill issues, etc.) may be covered by Bayer up to 100% of the cost of the seed for replanting. All claims must be submitted to Bayer TSMs by June 30, 2023. More information can be found here.
RESOURCE: Cutworm reporting and tracking – Alberta Agriculture offers an easy-to-use link that allows growers to report cutworm issues. It also generates a map of reported occurrences to assist growers in monitoring potential cutworm problems.
ACCESS TO PEACE RIVER FIELDS REQUESTED: Once again, the Beaverlodge Research Farm IPM Team will be conducting its annual Canola Survey. This is the 20th year of the survey, which collects insect pest data and aims to detect the introduction of cabbage seedpod weevil in the Peace River region. The research team needs permission to access 100-200 commercial canola fields in early- to mid-flower stages across all main canola production areas of the Peace River region. For more information and to offer permission for field entry, contact
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Sclerotinia Risk Assessment Tool – Beta-testers for the 2023 season: To help growers decide whether a fungicide application is advised to control sclerotinia, the CCC is updating their sclerotinia risk assessment checklist into a validated and interactive tool. The CCC is looking for beta testers to use the tool during early flowering in 2023, and then revisit fields during 30-60% seed colour change to assess sclerotinia disease severity to confirm the recommendation. Testers who complete both steps will be eligible for a gift card. To sign up as a beta tester, contact Chris Manchur, CCC Sclerotinia Lead.
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Applications are open June 1 to June 22, 2023 for the Adoption Stream of AAFC’s Ag Clean Technology Program. This new intake will provide non-repayable grants between $25,000 and $2 million to help farmers purchase and install equipment that reduces greenhouse gas emissions or provides other associated environmental benefits. Learn more and apply here.
UPCOMING EVENT: Farming Smarter’s 2023 Field School takes place in-person June 15 from 8:00 – 3:30. More information is available here.

UPCOMING EVENT: Sask Crops Field Tour – July 11, 9am – 2pm. Hosted by Saskatchewan’s crop commissions and Max Ag, the tour will feature biological nitrogen fixation trials and seeding rate trials. Lunch and transportation from the Plenty, SK hall to the trial locations included. More information and registration is available here.
UPCOMING EVENT: Lethbridge College’s Research Farm Field Day is coming up 8:30 am – 1:30 pm July 11. For more information and to register, click here.

UPCOMING EVENT: Grain Dryer Setup College
July 11 at Oakland Colony Farms in Carroll, MB
July 12 at Red River Seeds in Morris, MB
This event will feature several informative speakers covering all aspects of the grain dryer setup process, including equipment, power sources, relevant regulations and bylaws, and safety concerns. There will also be time provided for questions, allowing attendees to get information and advice specific to their operation. Hosted by Manitoba Canola Growers (MCGA), Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) and Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG), in partnership with the Canola Council of Canada. Registration is now live.
UPCOMING EVENT: Saskatchewan Crop Diagnostic School – Indian Head, SK – July 25 OR 26 (choose one day only). Hosted by the Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation, this is an in-depth training opportunity to improve crop scouting skills and further one’s agronomic knowledge. Time: 8:00 to 3:00 each day with registration beginning at 8am. Cost: $100.00 per person (includes lunch). Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are pending for Certified Crop Advisors. Limited spaces are available – register early to guarantee a spot.
UPCOMING EVENT: Combine College for Agronomists is scheduled for the afternoon of August 3, 2023 at the AIM site. There will be two sessions: one on understanding a combine and combine adjustments, and another on measuring losses behind the combine. Registration will be posted soon.
#ABBugChat is live on Twitter Wednesdays at 10:00am (MST) throughout the growing season.

SAMPLES NEEDED: Boyd Mori’s lab at the University of Alberta is looking for and collecting live flea beetle samples from across the Prairies this spring. If you have a patch of canola volunteers or flixweed that has enough flea beetles present to allow sweep netting, contact Keith Gabert, CCC Agronomy Specialist in Central Alberta, via email email or phone (587) 377-0557.
INCENTIVE: As the Canola 4R Advantage Program enters year two, growers will have access to more cost-sharing opportunities. Funding limits for each of the four BMPs will increase from $6,000 per BMP per farm to $20,000 per BMP per farm. For more on these and other changes, watch this 12-minute webinar. Read Canola 4R Advantage year two: New incentives added.
SURVEY: Canola storage survey: The University of Manitoba is conducting a Canola Drying survey to inform research projects for canola growers on grain drying and storage. The 19-question survey can be done in as little as 10 minutes and all responses collected will be anonymous. Aggregated results will be published in a farm journal. Click here to sign up. If you have questions, contact Dr. Fuji Jian, University of Manitoba.
SURVEY: Cover Cropping on the Canadian Prairies Survey. Masters student Jodi Holzman is surveying farmers with cover crop experience to collect production methods on growing cover crops on the Canadian Prairies. General results and best practices gathered will be made available to producers. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Click here to access the survey. Please read the preamble before starting.

RESOURCE: Want plant-count rings? The Canola Council of Canada has handy plant count rings to help agronomists and farmers calculate plant stands. Email Taryn Dickson at to order yours for the 2023 Canola Counts program.
SUPPORT: Feeling burnt out, unreasonably stressed, or exhausted? Reach out for mental health:
– Do More Ag Foundation
– Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program