Canola Community Connections

Cover Cropping on the Canadian Prairies Survey. Masters student Jodi Holzman is surveying farmers with cover crop experience to collect production methods on growing cover crops on the Canadian Prairies. General results and best practices gathered will be made available to producers. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes. The survey. Please read the preamble before starting.

Keep it Clean 2023 Product Advisory Webinar – April 26, 11 am CDT. Growers, agronomists, agri-retailers and other industry members are invited to join the webinar, which will review the crop protection product and crop combinations that may create market risk and best practices for pesticide application through the 2023 growing season. More information and registration.

Want plant-count rings? The Canola Council of Canada has handy plant count rings to help agronomists and farmers calculate plant stands. Email Taryn Dickson at to order yours for 2023. Canola Counts program

Calculate the right fertilizer rate. Here are a few online calculators:
Manitoba fertilizer efficiency calculator (A mobile version is planned for late April.) 
Koch calculators
SDSU seed-placed fertilizer aid 

Canola Watch Podcast has a new farmer series. The first two episodes are with:
Jill Burkhardt, Gwynne, Alberta
Anthony Eliason, Outlook, Saskatchewan

Verticillium stripe identification guide. The new guide has been added to the Canola Council of Canada’s suite of agronomy guides.

Please volunteer fields for provincial disease monitoring… 

Please volunteer fields for provincial insect monitoring...

  • Saskatchewan: Fill out this form
  • Alberta: Email Shelley Barkley
  • Manitoba: Email John Gavloski

Alberta AgriSystems Living Labs has a survey for farmers and ranchers in Alberta and northern British Columbia, asking about beneficial management practices used every day on farms and ranches. Understanding the levels of these practices is key to proving the value of the good work farmers do every day.  Participants are eligible for prizes: $1,000 worth of fertilizer and others.