Talk It Out – May 5, 6:00 PM CST. The Do More Agriculture Foundation offers Talk It Out sessions. They are a free opportunity to join your peers every second Wednesday – starting today – to chat about mental health and ask questions.
Pests and Predators Field Guide – Field Heroes has a new publication with images and practical tips to help identify and manage insect pests, and identify and protect beneficial insects.
WEBINAR – Last Minute Checklist For In Crop Spraying – May 27, 10:00 AM CDT. This one-hour presentation will cover topics and scenarios to maximize in-crop spraying performance. Guests are Tom Wolf, Ian Epp and moderator Jay Whetter. CEUs available. Registration and information.
Safety checklist – Canadian Agricultural Safety Association encourages all farms to have a safety checklist, and go through the checklist at the beginning of each season. The CASA template includes: Is all equipment equipped with proper lighting and reflective markings? Do I have enough fire extinguishers and are they maintained? Is everyone trained for the tasks they will be performing? And more.