Crop and weather update

Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Seeding will wrap up shortly in most areas. The earliest seeded canola has emerged, but many fields are still just germinating and haven’t poked through the surface. Dry conditions are a concern in the central and east areas especially.

Alberta: In the southern region, seeding progress is nearing half way, but ranges from 10% in the wettest areas southwest of Lethbridge to 65% on the north side of Highway 1.
In the central region, canola seeding ranges from just started in the Coronation area to 90% complete north of Edmonton. Soil moisture is generally good, but ranges from fair-adequate around Mayerthorpe-Barrhead to excessive in areas east of Trochu. Some early seeded canola has emerged. Read the Alberta crop report.

Saskatchewan: Progress ranges from 2% seeded in areas around Strasbourg, Melfort and Tisdale to 70% seeded in areas around Carrot River and Aylsham in the east and Kindersley in the west. With forecasts for a warm week, the majority of canola should be seeded this week if all goes well. Read the Saskatchewan crop report.

Manitoba: Seeding is only 10% complete in some northwest areas, but generally around 50% for the province. Across the south, 20% to 30% of canola is emerged. Weed pressure is high, especially on fields that did not get a pre-seed burn and on fields seeded before the rains — which have kept sprayers off the field.