Scout and Learn From the 2009 Crop

Discovery of late-season diseases can help you evaluate you management decisions made earlier in the year and assist with management decisions for next year. Fields with high levels of sclerotinia should be noted and crop rotation should be evaluated. High levels of sclerotia returned to the soil this fall can increase the risk of sclerotinia next year in canola and other susceptible broadleaf crops (e.g. sunflowers, field beans, lentils, etc.). If sclerotinia is present and a fungicide was applied, evaluate that decision. Was a check strip used to determine if the disease was at least suppressed? Is it obvious infection occurred late in the flowering period, suggesting a later or split application may have been more effective? Was a fungicide not applied and perhaps should be under similar conditions in the future? The incidence of blackleg should also be noted. A variety with maximum tolerance (‘R’ rated) should be selected next year if high incidence of blackleg is observed and the crop rotation re-evaluated. More information on fall scouting is available at the following link: