Many producers were unable to do a pre-seed burn-off so it is critical to maximize efficiency with the first in-crop pass. The first step is scouting to determine weed species present and staging. Some growers are noticing that the grassy weeds are present and need to be controlled, whereas broadleaf weeds are slower to emerge. While research has shown that sequential applications are rarely economical, in this situation, it may be practical to split apply herbicides. For instance in the Liberty-tolerant system, it may be better to apply a graminicide earlier (for control of wild oats and volunteer cereals that are ahead of the crop) and wait to apply Liberty when more broadleaf weeds have emerged, rather than trying to rely on a single pass with a tank mix. This is especially true in drier areas where those early weeds are competing for precious moisture.
Frost can interfere with herbicide performance. After a light frost, it is important to wait until temperatures rebound in the middle of the day before spraying. After a heavier frost that will cause damage, wait a few days for plants to recover before spraying. Maximize crop safety and weed control – crops will tolerate the herbicide and weeds will take in the herbicide when actively growing.