Canola – Winter Wheat – Canola Rotation?

In Manitoba, a significant amount of winter wheat acres planted last fall were winterkilled. Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) estimates that 80% of the winter wheat in the Red River Valley and approximately 15% of acres in the rest of Manitoba will be reseeded. Some producers are considering seeding canola into the dead winter wheat which in many cases will mean back-to-back canola crops since the winter wheat was seeded into last year’s canola stubble. This is not recommended. However, if canola must be seeded consider the following points:

  • If fields were already fertilized for winter wheat this spring, select a variety that may be shorter season to help hasten maturity.
  • Increased incidence of black leg is a definite possibility. Select a different canola variety than the one that was grown in 2008. Select a variety with an ‘R’ rating for black leg disease.
  • Volunteer canola control should be considered. Select a different herbicide tolerant system than was grown in 2008.
  • Increased incidence of sclerotinia is a possibility. Be prepared to spray at early flower if conditions are favorable for disease development. A second application may also be needed.