CCGA Ag Policy & Your Farm webinar series. “Your voice in Ottawa” Thursday, March 16, noon CDT Information and registration

Seeder & Sprayer College – March 22, Brandon, Manitoba. Top-notch keynote speakers, nine breakout sessions, and an equipment and aftermarket showcase. Information and registration
Pesticide Applicator Workshop. March 23, all day. Virtual. Host Farming Smarter Information and registration
Coffee, Donuts, and Canola – Growing Season Ready Meeting. March 30, 9:00 a.m. Alberta Canola hosts this two-hour event at Vegreville Suites, Vegreville. Information and registration
Do N-fixing bacteria work in Saskatchewan? SaskCanola is looking for producers to participate in field-scale trials to determine if there are agronomic and economic benefits of applying a commercially available, foliar-applied N-fixing bacteria product in wheat or canola. Information
Alberta AgriSystems Living Labs has a survey for farmers and ranchers in Alberta and northern British Columbia, asking about beneficial management practices used every day on farms and ranches. Understanding the levels of these practices is key to proving the value of the good work farmers do every day. Participants are eligible for prizes: $1,000 worth of fertilizer and others.
Prairie Precision Sustainability Network looking for combine yield maps. The network, a collaboration of researchers at University of Saskatchewan and University of Calgary, has a project to take real farm yield data, compare it to satellite imagery and create a model to identify low production/marginal areas within fields. They are looking for growers in Saskatchewan and Alberta willing to share GPS-referenced yield data and crop plans. To participate, contact Andrea Astleford at 306-381-6732 or
Want plant-count rings? The Canola Council of Canada has handy plant count rings to help agronomists and farmers calculate plant stands. Email Taryn Dickson at to order yours for 2023.
Recycle jugs, grain bags, twine and more through the Clean Farms program. Go here to find out what to recycle and where to drop it off.
Canola Research Hub has a new blog post: Canola disease survey recap to inform risk management in 2023
Please volunteer fields for provincial disease monitoring…
- Saskatchewan: Fill out this form
- Alberta: Email Michael Harding
- Manitoba: Email David Kaminski
Please volunteer fields for provincial insect monitoring...
- Saskatchewan: Fill out this form
- Alberta: Email Shelley Barkley
- Manitoba: Email John Gavloski

How do you outsmart resistance? Manage Resistance Now is asking Canadian crop growers to share their resistance management tips, tricks and success stories in a new online contest – Pest Management Challenge: How do you outsmart resistance on your farm? The contest closes March 31, 2023.
De-registered canola varieties. The Keep It Clean program has 5 simple tips to keep crops ready for market. Tip 5 includes a reminder to grow only registered canola varieties. Canola varieties on the “no-grow” list.
Canola Performance Trials 2022. The annual results booklet at contains small plot and field scale results for leading canola cultivars included in the 2022 trials. Results are based on 37 swathed small plot trials, 40 straight cut small plot trials and 68 straight cut field scale trials across the Prairies.