QUIZ – Missing plants

When scouting after emergence, agronomists and growers may find that canola plant populations are less than they expected. Here are three questions on that theme.

1. The seedling disease complex tends to cause greater losses when canola is seeded too deep and into cold soils, however each pathogen within the complex has its own quirks. Which species tends to do more damage in wet, heavy soils?
2. Redbacked and pale western cutworms both tend to prefer dry soils. When scouting for cutworms in dry soils, what might you have to do to find them?
3. Low plant counts can result from too few seeds to begin with. The combination of cutting seeding rates and large seed sizes can lead to some dicey situations on plant counts. For example, approximately how many seeds per square foot do you get if seed weight is 6.5 grams per thousand (TSW) and seeding rate is 3.5 lb./ac.?