Farmers can get certified for canola sales to Europe

The EU biofuel market represents a significant opportunity for Canadian canola. Canadian canola is already a qualified feedstock for use in EU biofuels thanks to the CCC’s past efforts, but exporters and growers need to be certified if they choose to take advantage of this opportunity. This certification is necessary to meet the EU’s market access requirements, which are outlined in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).

Getting certified

If you decide this program is right for your farm, follow the easy process below. Each certifying grain handler has its own distinct program and they are best equipped to answer your questions and walk you through these steps:

  • Use the Assessment Ready Checklist to ensure you qualify. Contact your grain handler with any questions about requirements or to discuss your eligibility.
  • Complete the questionnaire. Your grain handler will provide it and guide you through the process.
  • You are now certified. Your certification is valid for one year and can be easily renewed the following year. A small, random sample of growers will be assessed as part of the certification process.

RED requirements

  • Criteria must be met by the entire value chain, from growers to the biofuel processors.
  • A certificate of sustainability must be attached to all canola exported for the RED market.
  • All growers who choose to supply canola for this market must be certified.

The Canadian canola industry uses two international sustainability certification schemes, the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) and the Biomass Biofuel, Sustainability Voluntary Scheme (2BSvs), for its certification.

How certification works

Assessments are conducted of the entire supply chain, including growers, crushing facilities, primary elevators, export terminals and the supply chain in Europe. ISCC and 2BSvs train and approve the independent assessors.

All growers participating in this export opportunity must be “assessment ready” – but only a small random sample of growers will actually be assessed each year.

If you are one of the growers selected for an on-farm assessment, it’s very important that you pass. If you don’t pass the assessment, you’ll have 40 days to rectify the deficiency. If you don’t rectify the deficiency, you will be disqualified from further participation in this export opportunity.

Growers interested in this market can contact a local Viterra, Cargill or G3 elevator.

For more information, please visit or watch the webinar below: