Farmers and agronomists in northwest Saskatchewan can register now for a Canola Crop Walk August 7 at Keith Fournier’s farm near Maidstone. Fournier is a director with SaskCanola. The walk is 9:30am to 1:00pm, with pizza lunch sponsored by SaskCanola.

The agenda includes a seeding comparisons (planter vs. drill, variable seeding rates), weather station tools (to help with disease monitoring, spray timing and yield predictability) and the Spornado disease alert system. CCC agronomy specialists Clinton Jurke, Ian Epp and Shawn Senko will be there to speak and answer questions.
To get to Keith Fournier’s farm, travel 8 km north on Hwy 21 from the Hwy 16 junction near Maidstone. Plots are on the west side of Hwy 21. Look for signs posted. Registration and information.