Keep it Clean – Harvest season reminders

To avoid unacceptable pesticide residues, it is essential that all growers use products that are registered, ensure the product won’t cause concerns for canola exports and follow the label for rates and timing.

When spraying and prior to swathing or straight combining, remember to stick to the pre-harvest interval (PHI) unique to each product. The PHI (or Spray to Swath interval) is the number of days that must pass between the last application of a pesticide and swathing or straight combining. Applying a product too close to harvest may result in pesticide residues that exceed maximum residue limits (MRLs). Visit for a handy calculator to ensure your canola will be in compliance with MRLs in major export markets.

Remember that canola buyers will be asking producers to declare if they have used quinclorac this year. It does not have a MRL established in key export markets, specifically Japan, and if growers have used it, their canola may have unacceptable residues. It is the decision of individual processors and exporters as to whether they purchase canola treated with quinclorac, so growers are advised to consult their local elevator, crushing plant or grain buyer prior to delivery to discuss marketing options. Read the fact sheet on crop protection products and international markets, including responsible commercialization and roles throughout the value chain. Read the fact sheet on quinclorac.

When prepping bins, follow canola storage recommendations:
—Make sure storage bins are free of treated seed (which contains pesticides)and animal protein like blood meal and bone meal.
—Clean bins thoroughly prior to storing canola.
—Never use malathion to prepare canola for storage or to treat bins used to store canola. Its residue can linger for up to six months, so choose canola storage bins carefully.
—Keep canola cool and dry to avoid spoilage and insect issues.

Visit the Keep It Clean website.