Have bins ready for canola

Full bin canola

Canola growers have three quality and trade issues to keep in mind when storing the crop:

1. Do not put canola in bins treated with malathion. Malathion is often used inside bins to control grain storage insects, however this insecticide can enter canola seed in storage and should not be used on bins storing canola.

2. Completely remove treated seed from bins, augers and trucks.

3. Clean out any animal protein (blood meal or bone meal, for example) from bins used to store canola.

Export customers check for all three of these contaminants, as well as any other pesticide residue on seed that exceeds their maximum residue limits (MRLs). That is why timely in-crop spraying and adherence to pre-harvest intervals and product labels are important. Keep It Clean!

Video on bin cleaning.