Ultimate Canola Challenge results

The Canola Council of Canada ran the Ultimate Canola Challenge (UCC) across the Prairies in 2013. UCC plots in Alberta and Saskatchewan compared either 6 or 13 treatments, with nine sites producing useable results. Four sites had the 6-treatment trial and 5 sites had the full 13 treatments. The following three broad statements can be made based on 2013 results:

—Spending money in 2013 on a lot of additive products was not worthwhile.
—Following best management practices provided best results in 2013.
—Look carefully at the data for additive products you may be considering.

The UCC trials will likely be repeated in 2014, providing more site years and a second season of results. This may allow us to share with confidence more specific observations.

All nine UCC sites included in this study followed scientific research protocols set out by Neil Harker with AAFC in Lacombe, Alberta and by Murray Hartman, oilseed specialist with Alberta Agriculture. Each site had small plots with four replicates. Plots had to be on cereal stubble. Each site used one variety for all trials, with the variety chosen for its suitability to the area. The seeding rate was 100 seeds/m2. Fertilizer rate was 100% of soil test recommendation for N, P, K and S. Seeding date was early May. Crop protection was applied as needed. Plant counts were taken at regular intervals through the season. Grain yield, moisture, seed weight, green content and oil content were recorded for each plot.

The 13 treatments applied according to protocols were:

1. Standard – 100 seeds/m2, no primers and no foliars
2. Extra nitrogen: 125% of recommended in the sideband
3. Seed primer: Protinus seed primer
4. Stress Relief: C3 with herbicide
5. Top dressing: 100% N at seeding
6. Boron (Nexus): at 5% flowering (with fungicide if needed)
7. Higher seeding rate (150 seeds/m2)
8. Reduced N: 75% of recommended in the sideband
9. Precede seed primer
10. Biostimulator – Penergetic P
11. Fortified Foliar
12. Boron (Alpine): 4-6 leaf
13. CO2 greenhouse effect: AGROSOLution

Manitoba’s UCC was designed as a head to head challenge between three teams. The team that made the most profit won. Click here for a summary of Manitoba results.