Learn, grow and connect.
View our list of upcoming events, workshops and networking opportunities to help you acquire new skills, enhance your professional growth and make connections.
Agronomy Fundamentals
Explore articles on the best management practices for yield, profitability and sustainability:
Top Notch Farming extension meetings
DATE: February 11
LOCATION: Saskatchewan
Meetings at two more locations feature presentations on the latest barley, canola, and flax research and agronomy, global markets, and prairie hydrology. Information and registration (Scroll down the events page to get details for each location.)
–Weyburn, February 11
–Moosomin, February 12
Manitoba Canola Growers AGSM
DATE: February 11
LOCATION: Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Annual General Special Meeting is the day before CropConnect, and at the same location.
CropConnect Conference
DATE: February 12-13
LOCATION: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Soils and Crops 2025
DATE: March 4-5
LOCATION: Prairieland Park (Hall A), 503 Ruth St W, Saskatoon, SK
The annual Soils and Crops Workshop is a two-day event offering updates on current research being conducted in the areas of soils, crops and economics by researchers, faculty and graduate students from across western Canada. The second day offers a workshop based on invited presentations designed to provide in-depth training on a variety of topics emphasizing agronomy. Information and registration
Canadian Crops Convention
DATE: March 4-6
LOCATION: Edmonton, Alberta
The Canola Council of Canada and Canada Grains Council host the convention in partnership. The program will explore key topics including trade, the political landscape and economic outlook, and address the increasing importance of our North American relationships to successfully navigate our future. Information and registration
DATE: March 6
LOCATION: Assiniboine College in Brandon, Manitoba
DATE: March 19
LOCATION: University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta
DATE: April 9
LOCATION: University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
CanoLABs will provide excellent pre-season, hands-on training sessions to agronomists in each province. Save these dates and watch for more details on these upcoming events.